
Commonwealth Of Learning Webinar

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Commonwealth Of Learning Webinar

Globally, women are less likely to access skills development and to find a job. Women face 'gender biases in occupational choices; barriers to education and training, especially in rural and informal economies; sociocultural and economic constraints; and how representation of women in STEM subjects'. This inequality has been further exacerbated by COVID 19, as women and girls shoulder the main responsibility for caring for out-of-school children and due to a gender digital divide.

To overcome the barriers and biases, we need innovative solutions. COL is bringing together three women to briefly present global, institutional, and individual perspectives. Please join us to listen to their views and participate in a live discussion.

Webinar Topic: Overcoming Bsrrier and Biases for women in TVET

Date & Time: 8:00am (West Africa Time, Central European Time)

Time Zone conversion linkhttps://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20201104T070000&p1=tz_wat

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