ABOUT US : The Internal Quality Assurance Unit of Yaba college of Technology was established in July, 2009 as a policy response to the Federal Ministry of Education directive to all Higher Institutions in Nigeria to establish Quality Assurance Units to ensure Institutional effectiveness. The overall aim is to inculcate the culture of best practices in service delivery. The Unit is located on the 2nd Floor of Zenith Bank Building.
The Unit Terms of Reference are to:
1. Draw up policy guidelines for the College for the achievement and maintenance of appropriate Academic standards for the attainment of its vision/mission statement.
2. Provide linkage between stakeholders, students, industries and the College.
3. Ensure the sustenance of quality assurance standards and
4. Ensure that College policies are in agreement with globally accepted quality assurance standards.
The Unit is headed by a Director and seven Coordinators drawn from different Schools in the College. The pioneering director Dr. A.M. Olaseni spent 13 months handed over to the present director in September 2010, Mrs. Bikomo E.O. who handed over in January 2015 to Dr. Aledare who then handed over to Mrs Titilayo Ukabam in 2018.
The Unit is structured along two major departments:
The duties of this department include but not limited to the following:
1. To ensure that all departments adhere to National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) and other bodies standards.
2. To ensure that staff-students ratio as spelt out by international, regional, and local standards are complied with by the College.
3. To conduct research on wide range of issues relating to compliance.
4. To organize workshops and seminars for staff and students on Quality Assurance culture at the beginning of every academic session and periodically in the session.
5. To conduct feedback assessment research in order to confirm whether the curriculum meets employers need as well as on graduate-employer relationship.
6. To monitor the implementation of approved College academic calendar.
7. To monitor examinations within the College.
8. To carry out any other duties assigned by the Director.
The duties of this department include but not limited to the following:
1. To organize excellence award programmes.
2. To carry out study on lecturers performance concerning lecture delivery from time to time.
3. To sensitize staff on development programmes.
4. To sensitize students toward professional affiliation and development.
5. To collaborate with corporate bodies and international organizations for industrial experience.
6. To carry out any other duties assigned by the Director.