Centre for Entrepreneurship Development

 Centre for Entrepreneurship Development

Centre for Entrepreneurship Development

  • Updated : Jun 21, 2018 11:46 pm

Management of Yaba College of Technology established the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development in 2003 as a deliberate intervention to change the mindset of our graduates from job seekers to job creators. The Centre was established as a measure towards reducing the escalating and disturbing rate of youth unemployment in the country, especially among school leavers and graduates from Polytechnics and Universities.

Entrepreneurship Education (EEd) is a course aimed at creating awareness and motivation. It provides adequate knowledge and skills necessary for industrial, commercial and economic development of the individual in particular and the nation in general. The programme focuses on the future, paying specific attention to the creativity of the participants and the use of both insight and foresight, through a systematic planning process to arrive at a conclusion. The course is practical base where mentors role models are invited from the industries as facilitators to motivate the trainees.

What is Centre for Entrepreneurship Development?
The CED or Centre for Entrepreneurship Development is a private sector development unit designed to assist Nigerians to start new businesses, expand and diversify existing ones.
Assistance is provided in the areas of entrepreneurship training, business consulting, extension services, research, information gathering and dissemination, production processes, loan packaging, etc.
The Centre facilitates the implementation of the entrepreneurship education in the curricula of All National Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma (HND) programmes in the College. The Centre is also involved in research, consultancy, programme development and skill acquisitions for prospective entrepreneurs.
The centre is dedicated to the development of Nigerian entrepreneurs in order to enhance their contribution to a sustainable private sector driven economy. We partner with public and private organizations and assists the government in the development of policies and programmes for the promotion of small and medium scale enterprises. We also provide training as well as management and technical consulting services to new and existing entrepreneurs.

Who operates the CED?
CED is operated by Yaba College of Technology employing the services of experienced highly seasoned business development experts / specialists.

How can CED train me on how to start a new business?
The CED conducts entrepreneurship training courses for those who may have business ideas, and are seriously motivated to start their own businesses. Participants are taught how to test the feasibility of their business ideas and how to write a business plan. Also, business skills such as marketing, production, bookkeeping and how to make financial statements as well as business character, and behaviours of successful entrepreneurs will be taught. Participants will be assigned advisors to assist them during the training course.

Can the CED help me solve my business problems?
CED has the expertise in diagnosing or pinpointing business problems of existing enterprises. Normally, knowing what your real business problems are constitutes the major step in finding solutions. This service can be provided by the CED on-site, wherever your business is located. CED also conducts short- term seminars and workshops on specific subjects like simplified bookkeeping/accounting, marketing, management, etc.

Will I be able to get a loan through the CED programme?
Yes but this depends on you, your business character, your business idea, your marketing strategy and your business plan. The CED believes that a trained and motivated entrepreneur with a good business plan is the formula for success in business.
If you have a right attitude to be an entrepreneur coupled with a very good business plan and you are highly motivated, the micro finance banks all over the country are waiting for good projects to finance.

Is CED in collaboration with other Organisations?
CED is presently a Federal Government Institution with linkages with Non Government Organisations (NGOs), Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN), Federal Institute of Industrial Research (FIIRO) Oshodi, Banks etc

What does it take to obtain CED training and assistance?
Time, hard work and a serious commitment to business development are the most important requirements for participation in the CED programs.

What is the duration of training with CED?
This again depends on your type of business and areas of training required. But certainly, CED trainings are between one to four weeks. At the end of the training, you will be awarded a certificate for participation/completion.

What are the hours of training?
Training by CED is between the hours of 9am through 3pm daily on week days or weekends.

Is Entrepreneurship development a new concept and will it succeeds in Nigeria?
The United Nations plus other cooperating governments and agencies have tested programs like this all over the world. The concept of mixing entrepreneurship training, business counseling and business financing with strict requirements of who gets into the program has proven to be a winning combination. Nigeria with the level of unemployed youths needs to develop and encourage the private sector so that interest in entrepreneurship will be high. This way there will be a corresponding increase in job creators and not job seekers who will in turn contribute immensely to the countrys socio-economic development.

CED conducts training seminars/workshops in the following areas:
1. Entrepreneurship training
2. How to manage your business
3. Marketing/Customer services
4. Simplified Book-keeping
5. Staff management and welfare
6. Business Law and government regulations
7. Business Insurance
8. Money management
9. Equipment sourcing/leasing
10. Business Loans
Business sites layout etc