
Omokungbe Rehabilitates Deplorable Yabatech Roads

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Omokungbe Rehabilitates Deplorable Yabatech Roads

The entire road network of Yaba College of Technology (Yabatech), which have been in a terrible condition for years that has been a major concern for Yabatech community and the motorist who ply the roads; have been fixed by the working and visionary Rector, Engr. Obafemi Omokungbe.

There have been many accolades within and outside the College for the laudable accomplishment by the indefatigable Rector, because the bad roads which seemed like an insurmountable mountain over the years have been finally surmounted.

Car owners that ply the College roads can now heave a sigh of relief as a result of the fixing of the roads for easy access and movement, which no doubt is a great advantage to the College image.

Even before the Omokungbe administration emerged, several efforts had been made to fix the dreadful roads but the solutions proffered were short time, but Omokungbe being a professional Engineer has been able to proffer long lasting solution to the bad roads.

Omokungbe has started on a giant stride, he should not relent nor rest on his oars; until he achieve his vision and mission of academic improvement and development, infrastructure development and upgrading/refurbishment of existing structures, welfare of staff and students and expansion/improvement of internally generated revenue for the College.