
Resumption Of Academic Activities On Jan 18, 2021

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Resumption Of Academic Activities On Jan 18, 2021

Further to the directive of the Federal Ministry of Education dated January 14, 2021, academic activities in the College will commence on January 18, 2021. All Staff and Students are to adhere strictly to the COVID-19 protocols.

1. Compulsory wearing of Facemasks by Staff and Students.

2. Regular temperature checks and hand washing using facilities provided by the College.

3. Constant use of Sanitizers.

4. Maintenance of social distancing.

5. Overcrowding and large gathering within the College are hereby prohibited.

6. There must be adherence to all non-pharmaceutical containment measures as may be prescribed/approved by the Presidential Task Force (PTF) from time to time

Necessary facilities have also been provided to handle suspected cases of COVID-19.