
Omokungbe Admonishes New Deans To Provide A Conducive Environment For Learning

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Omokungbe Admonishes New Deans To Provide A Conducive Environment For Learning

The newly elected Deans of School in Yaba College of Technology (Yabatech), have been charged by the Rector, Engr. Obafemi Omokungbe to provide harmonious and conducive environment for teaching and learning.

While addressing the new Deans at the Inauguration ceremony, Omokungbe congratulated all the Deans for their electoral success, and noted that the office of Deans of School which is saddled with enormous responsibility, also serves as the Rector’s representative in the School, thus it is an office of service to the College in an administrative capacity.

According to him, may I urge you to settle down fast in your duties as handed over to you and attached to your letters of appointment. As Deans, you are now the clearing house of your school, therefore see every staff as your staff including those who contested against you. Observe the law of balance in all your activities as equilibrium in nature brings about harmony and peace.

“As the Chairman of your School Board be open minded and treat each case on its merit. Be transparent and show respect for all shades of opinion. The ultimate, however, is for you to always play by the extant rules and regulations. Deans of School must take their place in the scheme of things and be held accountable for the activities of their staff and students. Therefore, this inauguration is not a welcome party but a solemn occasion to bring home publicly the enormity of the responsibilities of the office of the Deans. I wish you the strength, guidance and wisdom to cope with the demand of this office”

Speaking earlier, the Registrar Dr. S.O. Momodu disclosed that this was yet another innovation and a landmark event happening for the first in the College and gave kudos to Omokungbe’s administration; he said that the inauguration ceremony was organized to stress the importance of Dean’s office, in view of the key role they play as key pivotal to the success of the administration of learning and teaching in the College.

While responding to the Rector’s admonition, Dean, School of Environmental Studies, Dr. Julius Oke on behalf of the new Deans thanked the Management team under the leadership of Engr. Obafemi Omokungbe for the initiative and innovation.

He described the innovative as a good thing that should continue, he noted that sustainability is very important, and therefore advised that this inauguration should be followed up with a retreat to refresh the new Deans on the nitty-gritty of the work that are expected of them.

“I want on behalf of the Deans to pledge the support to the Rector and Management. As a major stakeholder in this project called Yabatech, we are behind you and when we say this, it is in two ways as we pledge our supports and seek for Management encouragement and patience, we want likewise for Management to support, encourage and be patience with us knowing that as stakeholders we would not want this project to fail.”

Oke stated that whenever there is inevitable disagreement as a result of grey areas, Management should embrace dialogue, also pleaded that the school authority should provide tools to work with in various schools, and more importantly stable electricity supply, he thanked the Rector for recognizing and honouring them, and prayed that Almighty God will honour him as well.

The roll calls of newly elected Deans are: Dean, School of Arts and Printing, Dr. Adekunle Adeyemi, Dean, School of Environmental Studies, Dr. Julius Oke, Dean, School of Science, Mr. Aderohunmu Joseph, Dean, School of Technology, Dr. Peter Okolie, Dean, School of Liberal Studies, Bar. Ikpen Willington, Dean, School of Technical Education, Mr. Olalekan Alaba, Dean, School of Management and Business Studies, Mr. Ojo Williams, Dean School of Engineering, Engr. Ize Balogban, and Dean, Student Affairs, Mrs. Olajumoke Shobande.